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Running on Low

I’m exhausted. It’s not just a “not enough sleep” sort of tired. Every part of my being is worn out.


Sure part of it is stress. I’ve
had way too much of it in my life lately!


Yes part of it is having too much
on my mind. I’ve got some major decisions that I need to make about my future.
And well buying airline tickets for almost 400 World Racers is a big job!


While flying back from Texas the
other day God gave me a picture of what my life is right now – a wall
electrical outlet. There are probably a thousand ways I can interpret that, but
for now I’m just reminding God that He’s got to be the source that fills me up
as I give out.


In the midst of everything, God’s
timing is PERFECT! Almost a year ago a group of friends and I got together and
made a commitment that we were going to have intention relationships with each
other this year. Part of that included going on vacation together. Tomorrow we
hop in a van and drive down to Florida to catch our cruise!


That’s right. We’re taking a real
vacation and spending five days on a really big boat. There will be time on the
beach, in the water, eating great food, relaxing, laughing, and being
completely offline with no cell service. It will be the first time since coming
on WR staff that I’ll be able to not have to check emails every other day – having
more people on staff sure has it’s benefits!


As I travel with my friends I ask
that you continue to cover us in prayer – protection as it’s a long drive and we
like to be adventurous when travelling, health, fun, rest, laughter, that God
would continue to fill us all up and speak clearly to each of us, and for His
unexpected blessings (we’ve been saving for this trip, but most of us still
live on really tight budgets so we notice all of the little things God does for us).


And yes, you can expect to see
lots of fun pics of our adventures when we get back ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Recharge!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Sounds like that’s what this vacation is going to be about.
    Resting time! Refueling. Renewal. Rejuvenation! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Praying that God’s peace takes a deep hold of you and will remain with you even after your vacation!


  2. Pack light & play hard – you’ve earned time off with friends who truly love you and care deeply about your journey.
    May God continue to bless you, speak to you, protect you & shine through you!
    xoxoxoxox Mom

  3. SOOOOOOOOOO glad that you guys are getting away and shutting everything off!! praying for supernatural REST, filling, laughter, life, and tons of amazing moments with HIM! love you casey.

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