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to know you

During worship tonight I prayed over an old co-worker. I didn’t really have anything specific to start with, I just prayed. And wow. The prayer that I prayed over her is what I want not just this week at training camp but for my whole life….
May we know where you are going. May we know your movement. Not just the big moves that you make or because you tell us, but let us know every little move you make. That we know you so well that we recognize every little twitch and glimmer in your eye. That we would know what your body language means and every look on your face. Help us to see you inside of each person, to look beyond the darkness and see Christ. That we might call out the Christ that we see within the people around us. We want to be so intimate with you, to know you so well that you don’t even have to speak. May we see you all around, in every person that we meet. May we not rely on certain events, times, or people to hear you more clearly. Speak to us that we might be able to share your word and your heart to others. Fill us afresh with new that it might overflow. May we be so confident in who we are, who you are and what you have placed within us that new seasons, relationships, positions or whatever else comes are way we can continue to just breathe and live life just as confidently as before. Most importantly Lord, we need You. Not just in the big chunks of time that we can be alone, God we need you every moment … we simply want to be with You, to know You.’
I pray that this washed over you as it did my friend and I as I prayed over her tonight.


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