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Two Weddings and A Funeral

The first wedding was for two
alumni who had recently come off of the mission field. Due to the fact that
their families were going to be unavailable to attend or put on a large wedding
the couple decided to get married at training camp. At first I wondered why in
the world anyone would want to do that? When I remembered that World Race isn’t
work / a job, but that we were family it made sense. I was asked to be one of
the photographers and we had so much fun! Turned into a beautiful wedding that
I will never forget.


Then my boss, Jake, got married
last weekend. He met his beautiful wife on the mission field as well. I’ve had
the joy of getting to know Jake over the last three years and am just getting
to know Marissa. They had a small wedding right on the beach in Florida, with
only some of their closest family and friends attending. It was such an honor
to be there to celebrate their new life.

This morning I found out that my
director when I was with YWAM in New Zealand passed away. Bill Henwood had been
battling cancer for a few years now. He was a huge reason that I am who I am
today. I learned so much from Uncle Bill that I couldn’t even begin to write it
all out. As I grieve the loss of this mighty man of God I am comforted by the
fact that He lived and served well.


In this moment I could be like
many people that I know I could become bitter by the fact that I am still single
while the people around me are married and having kids, or be upset with God
for not healing one of His children. But I’m not going to do either of those
things. I am going to continue to celebrate the lives of my family and friends…
and I KNOW that God has perfect timing in all things. 


  1. Well said dear Casey! Two different ends of the spectrum, yet we do not mourn as others mourn. So grateful for God’s timing in all things as well and the hope we have in Him. love u

  2. Praying for you sister. Praise God for a mighty servant and teacher that has helped make you into the wonderful and dear friend I enjoy everyday. Love you much!

  3. Grieving with you and also… continuing to celebrate the lives of family and friends… and KNOWing that God has perfect timing in all things.

    Well said, sister.



  4. Thanks for sharing your heart. I pray for you often, and know too that God will bring His chosen one for you when the time is right, and it will be sooo wonderful! I too am one whose life has been changed forever by Bill, an incredible man of God. My heart goes out to Bill’s family. Love you so much Casey girl.

  5. You are soooo right, sister!! God has the perfect plan already set out for you! Can’t wait to see how everything keeps unfolding!! BTW, you have plenty of time for kids, I was 34 when I had my first LOL God knew I wasn’t ready any sooner than that 🙂 Love ya!

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