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Where are your Keys to the Kingdom?

I was worshipping one afternoon
to a live feed, and God gave me a picture of Keys in someone’s pocket. Seconds
later everyone started singing, asking for the Keys to the Kingdom. With the
timing… I assumed God was trying to say something.


Here we were asking God to give us
the Keys to the Kingdom. The Keys to END Poverty / AIDS / Sex Trafficking / Cancer, the Keys to Nations… yet the Lord has already given so many of us Keys,
they are just sitting in our pockets.

I don’t believe that the Lord is
holding back the Keys. Rather I believe that He is waiting for us to use the
Keys that He’s given us. And as we use the Keys we already have, then He will
give us new Keys.

There are those who’ve left their
Keys sitting in their pockets or purses. Then there are probably some people
who haven’t a clue what their Keys go to.

God has fulfilled His end of the
bargain by giving us the Keys, now we have to figure out what doors they are


  1. I have a few pictures…that I’ve taken of door knobs and keys. Couldn’t explained it, but they have always interested me. Thank you for this blog…it’s connected pieces for me.

    Love you.

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